Tuesday, 24 April 2012


South Africa’s diverse and dynamic Music Industry is one of the richest and most important resources, with the capacity to generate significant economic and social benefits for the nation. Equally important, but less well understood, is the potential for a vibrant and dynamic arts and culture sector to contribute significantly to the economy of the country.
There has been an out-cry by South African musicians complaining about piracy and the lack of coordinated strategy for the development of the industry. Piracy result to limited finances available for investment in the development and promotion of South African artists. Yet we don’t mind buying an original album of an international artist which costs more compared to that of a South African artist.
Millions of listeners prefer to listen to International music; my guess is the South African music industry won’t contribute more in the economy because of the number of sales by our musicians. This will also result in lack of development of the industry compared to that of the International front. There are few South African industries better placed to take advantage of the global shifts towards knowledge-based  and export-oriented growth. 
 Some listeners mentioned that the South African musicians lack drive and not ambitious to entertain us. You find one track in the whole album interesting among the rest. So this will obviously result to copying that single track on a written disc. My advice firstly goes to the South African artists to up their game and be determined in doing their job well. They shouldn’t entertain just for the money but remember they are doing this for the listeners as well, that’s why they get paid after all. Secondly, to the listeners, they should have faith in their musicians and give advice if necessary. Let’s all be Proudly South Africans and support our musicians and stop Piracy.


  1. I think that for celebrities to move away from the bad publicity thar they constantly get, they need to start doing positive things and be known for the good they do, rather than the bad.

  2. this not only a fight for artists,but a fight for everyone. so we need to stand together and fight agaist piracy with the help of police ofcause and in doing so we will not only be helping our artists, but even our economy...

  3. I agree with u Valentine. With the nation coming 2geda 2 help Stop Piracy, our artists wil b influenced 2 do good music seeing that we r behind them.

  4. @Sizzle our celebs try 2 do good in the eyes of the public bcoz they r public figures but we shouldn't comment on their private lives since their r also human beings. The media also play a role on how we perceive our artists, this is why we shudn't believe everythng we read, head nd see on the media.

  5. To stop all this madness there should be a software that is able to decline the burning of pirated content

  6. There is such a software Mr Tshishonga but the problem is it is expensive. Bands such as Coldplay and U2 have it. For some artist I think they cant afford it.
